Eva Uskoković

Class teacher


Education: Belgrade University, Faculty of Teacher Education

Professional training:

-Non standard mathematical exercises
-Support to the improvement of educational work and modernization of primary school work methodology
-Enhancing the professional competence of teachers

Participation in projects:

-School Projects

Jelena Dardić

Teacher of Serbian language


Education: B.A. in Serbian language and literature – University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy (2002); B.A. in Slavic Studies – Zagreb University, Faculty of Philosophy (passing differential exams)

Professional training:

-Towards modern teaching of Serbian language and literature
-Organization, content and method of work with talented students in the domain of Serbian language and literature
-National winter seminar
-Becoming acquainted with textbooks

Participation in projects:

-Member of jury at science fairs for research papers related to Serbian language and literature (regional and national level)
-School Projects

Branislava Grubišić

Teacher of English


Education: B.A. in English Language and Literature, Belgrade University, Faculty of Philology, Department of English Studies

Professional training:

-“Teaching Young Learners”
-“Dealing with large, mixed-ability classes”
-“Teaching English to Young Learners: CLIL in Teaching Young Learners”
-“How to evaluate and improve one’s own teaching practice”
-“How to motivate a child to study”
-“English language teaching activities for children”
-“Special Educational Needs Conference: Challenges and solutions”
-“Art or science, journey or struggle: Metaphors we teach and learn”
-“Towards Better Understanding 4 – Exploring the potential of CLIL and Integrating strategy development into language teaching”
-“Introduction to TKT Essentials 3”
-“Introduction to TKT Essentials 4”
-“The English Book – Oxford Day”
-“Cambridge Teacher’s Development Programme – Cambridge Day”
-“ELTA Conference for Teachers of English – Teaching outside the box”
-“Towards a better understanding – Critical Incidents”
-“My classroom 2 – First Steps in Reading and Writing, Structuring for Learning, Assessment OF or FOR a Pupil”
-Cornerstones of successful bilingual education using CLIL (June 2018)
-EBSCO face-to-face workshop (April 2018)
-IB workshop Launching the MYP (March 2018)
-NLP Trainer – certified by NLP Institute Slavica Squire and IANLP  (January 2018)
-Teaching with the Brain in Mind – Scientific Learning (webinar, November 2017)
-Presentation skills workshop (June 2017)
-Apply online Wiki tools as didactics in teaching and learning (April 2017)
-Revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests – an overview (webinar, February 2017)
-The Magic of Story time – Macmillan Education (webinar, February 2017)
-Е-safety in and out of the young learner classroom (webinar, February 2017)
-Improve your communication competence: Communication with pupils, colleagues and parents (January 2017)
-Pilgrims Course Tasters and Erasmus + Guide (December 2016)
-NLP  Master – certified by NLP Institute Slavica Squire and IANLP  (November 2016)
-Methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​in primary and secondary education (Tempus Foundation – Eurydice network, July 2016)
-PYP planning and assessment workshop (February 2016)
-Creative juices – an international seminar for the English language teachers (January 2016)
-An Introduction to the PYP Curriculum Model Category 1 (August 2015)
-Teacher Trainer – certified by British Council Belgrade 2015 (Trainer Development Course, February – June 2015)
-Tech Tools for Busy Teachers (May 2015)
-Montessori Materials in the Function of PPP (April 2015)
-Theme-based Instruction in Teaching English to Young Learners (February – April 2015)
-Learning Technologies for the Classroom 2 (January 2015)
-Why is self-evaluation of pupils and students important? – expert panel (December 2014)
-Content-based and Cooperative Learning workshop (September 2014)
-Upskilling English Teachers to work with Pre-Scholars (September 2014)
-The Cambridge Schools Conference 2014 (September 2014)
-Second Conference on Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education (June 2014)
-Learning Technologies for the Classroom 1 (May 2014)
-Exploring the potential of CLIL and Integrating strategy development into language teaching (May 2014)
-The Keys to Success in Teaching English to Young Learners (May 2014)
-Drama in the Young Learner Classroom (March 2014)
-How to Compose a Reliable Test of Knowledge?  (February-April 2014)
-Speaking the bright and beautiful English of Shakespeare with Ben Crystal (webinar, February 2014)
-IT in English language Teaching (February 2014)
-Perk up your Students’ Passion through Creative Skills Development (February 2014)
-Preparing lower level students for IELTS (webinar, January 2014)
-Is creativity possible, desirable and/ or necessary in the IELTS classroom? (webinar, January 2014)
-Multisensory approach in teaching (January 2014)
-My classroom 2 – First Steps in Reading and Writing, Structuring for Learning, Assessment OF or FOR a Pupil (December 2013 – April 2014)
-What questions lead to knowledge? – expert panel (December 2013)
-How to improve and evaluate your own teaching practice – interdisciplinary competencies (August 2013)
-Special Educational Needs Conference: ‘Challenges and solutions’ (June 2013)
-Introduction to TKT Essentials (May/September 2013)
-How to motivate a child to learn? (February 2013)
-Cognitive development (August 2012)
-Towards Better Understanding 4 (June 2012)
-Art or science, journey or struggle: metaphors we teach and learn (May 2012)
-English language teaching activities for children (May 2011)
-How to improve and evaluate your own teaching practice (February 2011)
-Teaching English to Young Learners: CLIL in Teaching Young Learners (June 2010)
-Teaching Young Learners (March 2008)
-Dealing with large, mixed-ability classes (March 2008)
-New Technologies in Education (British Council Belgrade, attending annually since 2016)
-Cambridge Teacher’s Development Programme – Cambridge Day (attending annually since 2011)
-The English Book Day (attending annually since 2010)
-ELTA Conference (attending annually since 2006)
-Projects and other extracurricular activities:
-Stop violence, say NO to bullying! (April 2017)
-Shoebox project –Refugee Aid Serbia (December 2016)
-Tesla solution for improving the educational process – presentation of the application of tablet apps in teaching of English language (June 2014/ November 2015)
-The English Book Student Competition for the Best Literary Work in English (April 2014)
-My Happy House/ My Happy Street literary competition (March 2014)
-Kidsbox competition (December 2013)
-21st century teaching and learning: A more fulfilling experience (authorsip and the workshop presentation, May 2018)
-Enjoying the Learning Experience in the Young Learner Classroom (co-autorship and the workshop presentation, May 2016)
-Testing students – creating a quality language test (authorsip and the workshop presentation, June 2015)
-School projects (autorship and presentation)
-Rudjer Summer School (authorship and management of language workshops)
-Mentoring students and organizing workshops at the Regional Centre for Talented Youth Belgrade II since 2010
-Member of the examination committee at the competition of research papers related to the English language (regional and national level), since 2010
-Preparing students for English language competitions (municipal, regional, national level)
-Preparing students for obtaining internationally recognized English language certificates (Cambridge Assessment English)

Participation in projects:

-Linguistic workshop for students aged 6 -12 within the “Ruđer Summer school” (authorship, management)
-Linguistic workshops for 5th and 6th grade students at the Centre for Excellence Belgrade 2, as of 2011 (authorship, management);
-Mentoring classes for students at the Centre for Excellence Belgrade 2, 2011
-School Projects
-Member of jury at science fairs for research papers related to the English language (regional and national level), since 2010

Slađana Ristić



Education: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy – Department of Psychology

Advanced training:

– IB workshop Launching the MYP (March 2018)
– IB workshop Making the PYP happen in the classroom (February 2017)

– Seminar on strategies and work techniques in CLIL teaching (June 2018)

-Professional training on the use of online wiki tools as teaching aids (April 2017)

-Education for psychotherapists. Enrolled in the final, fourth year of education in REBT / Rational emotional behavioral therapy (September 2018) at an accredited training center. Obtained certificates of the Albert Ellis Institute from New York for primary (November 2016) and advanced level (December 2017) REBT education.

-Education in rational emotional and cognitive behavioral therapy of children and adolescents (April 2017)

-Participation in the symposium: “Adolescence as a chance, romance and psychopathology (DEAPS, May 2017)

-Education for providing support in critical situations (May 2014)

-Certificate in Advanced English, March 2018


– Elementary school Ruđer Bošković (since 2015) as a professional associate, teacher of psychology (school year 2016-17)

-Eight-year work experience in journalism, in several Belgrade television companies, as part of the editorial staff of the morning and news program. Special interest in the education sector – reporting on school reform, the quality of curricula and study programmes, problems in schools and colleges and other topics related to education.


Danijela Andrejić Mićović

PYP Counselor and Librarian

Education: M.A. Psychology – Belgrade University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology

Professional training:

-Drafting the school program and education evaluation
-School seminar on development planning and training for the drafting of the school development plan and projects
-Thematic planning – interdisciplinary approach to teaching
-Specialist trainings for the Incest Trauma Centre – Belgrade , domestic violence and child abuse prevention
-Multifrontal form of teaching – “Petar Savić” new school
-Education of school teams on prevention of delinquent conduct in the school environment
-Self-assessment – a step further
-National debate “Education and Human Resource Development in Serbia”
-Educational problems of the students and how to overcome them
-56th Scientific meeting of Serbian psychologists
-New forms of addiction and modern communication systems
-Increasing the accessibility and quality of education through the use of individual approach to the child / student – “Inclusive education and individual education plan”
-How to evaluate and improve one’s own teaching practice
-Organization, content and method of work with talented students in the domain of -Serbian language and literature and History
-Individualised teaching for gifted students
-Education in the field of cognitive-behavioural therapy
-Education in the field of rational-emotional and cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy (advanced level)
-Organization, Content and Approaches to Working With Gifted Students in History and Serbian Language Subject Area
-Teacher Development Session- Special Education Needs Conference: Challenges and Solutions
-Developmental Montesori Materials in Preschool Programmes 
-Making the PYP Happen- Introduction to the PYP Curriculum Model
-CLIL Approach in Teaching – Seminar
-Building Your Library to Support Inquiry-led Learning and the Three Programmes of the International Baccalaureate
-EBSCO face-to-face workshop

Participation in projects:

-Project – “Healthy attitude” – preventive educational work with the students
-“Every feeling is part of me” – preventive workshops program for 2nd grade students
-“I can solve the problem” preventive workshops program for 3rd grade students
-“How you can learn to study” educational type project for 5th grade students
-“Internet abuse” educational type project for 5th – 8th grade students
-“Safety of children on the Internet” educational type project for 6th grade students – correlation with Computer Science
-“Peer violence prevention” educational type project for 7th and 8th grade students – correlation with civic and religious education
-“Negotiating the puberty maze” workshops for parents
-“Safety of children on the Internet” workshops for parents
-“How to motivate a child to study” professional support for teachers
-“Inclusive education and individual education plan” professional support for teachers
-Member of jury at science fairs for research papers related to psychology (regional and national level)
-Working in Groups – Roles and Rules – preventive workshops for Grade 3 and Grade 4 students
-Project Design and Advertising Products and Services – workshops within transdiscilpinary theme How We Organize Ourselves with Grade 3 students
-Who I am and How Others See Me – workshops within transdisciplinary theme Who We Are with Grade 4 students
-Kelso’s Choice – conflict management program for students from Grade 1 to Grade 5