Milena Petrović

Teacher of English


  • PhD candidate at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
  • MA in Language, Literature and Culture, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology (Title of the final thesis “Types of Calquing in Serbian Films Made between 2016 and 2021”)
  • BA in English Language, Literature and Culture, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology

Working experience and professional training:

  • Teaching English as an Elective Course at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade
  • ELTA Conference
  • Scientific Conference Contemporary Studies of Language and Literature
  • International Conference Language, Literature, and Dialogue

Awards and scholarships:

  • Plaque “Prof. Dr. Sonja Dekanić Janoski” for Valedictorian of generation 2018/2019
  • Laudation of the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade for exceptional success in BA studies
  • Scholarship of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia for Remarkably Gifted Students from 2017 to 2023


  • Trans-Atlantic & Pacific Project: Cross-Cultural UX Project
  • PARCOLAB Parallel Corpus

Irena Petrović

Class teacher


Work experience:

International Nursery School of Belgrade (INSB) – Class teacher

Prima International School of Belgrade – Class teacher (Y1-Y6)

Brook Hill International School – Class teacher


Other languages: English language, French language



Character Against Violence

Festicfestival of theatrical performances for children


PhD Stefan Todorović

Teacher of Serbian Language and Literature

Education: Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac, PhD in Philology (Linguistics), Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Serbian Language and Literature

Professional development:

– seminars and professional training workshops (digital technologies, pedagogical documentation, teaching Serbian language and literature)

– team leader – Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications (PDQ) – Teaching with digital technologies

– coordinator of the Literary Olympiad, a competition for secondary school students, organized by the Society for Serbian Language and Literature of Serbia, Belgrade Branch

– member of national review committees for competitions in Serbian language and literature (Literary Olympiad and Serbian Language and Linguistic Culture)

Professional experience:

– Teacher of Serbian Language and Literature, Kreativno Pero Primary School and High School, Mina Karadžić Primary School, Belgrade

– Research Trainee and Research Associate on a scientific project at the Centre for the Study of Language and Literature, FILUM, Kragujevac

Participation in projects:

– Scientific project: The Dynamics of Structures in Contemporary Serbian Language


– Published papers in the fields of linguistics and stylistics, participation in scientific and professional conferences


PhD Vesna Hlavati Širka

Teacher of biology


Education: MA studies Ecology and environmental protection and PhD Biodiversity protection at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade.

Innovator in teaching

The author of the BIOSLOGOS work book, which was included in the ,,Good  practice examples’’ in the field of natural sciences in December 2022 by ZUOV.

Two years in a row (2023 and 2024) at the Faculty of Biology, won the prize for Innovations in the teaching of Biology for the teaching material Classification Key (2023) and Adaptations (2024).

In September 2023, at the “Science on Stage Serbia” festival, the ,,Pigeon Genetics’’ project was selected as a 5-star project.  In August 2024 the Pigeon Genetics project was presented in the competition part of the Science on Stage Europe festival in Finland.

Work experience:

-Associate of ZUOV in reviewing and approving teaching textbooks (more than 18 reviewed textbooks for both primary and secondary schools) since 2016.

-As an associate of ZUOV, held three trainings related to learning outcomes for school employees (Pančevo and Zrenjanin).

-Associate of the Center for Gifted Students “Mihajlo Pupin” Pancevo since 2018.

-Biology teacher since 2004 in different types of schools.

-As part of the Erasmus plus project “New skill-new school”, she attended a seminar in Berlin in 2018 “Project based learning”.


Scientific articles:

Hlavati Širka, V., Jakovljević, K., Mihailović, N., Jovanović, S. (2016). Heavy metal accumulation in invasive Reynoutria x bohemica Chrtek & Chrtkova´ in polluted areas. Environ Earth Sci 75:951.  DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5763-6

Hlavati Širka V., Lakušić, D., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Nikolić, T., Jovanović, S. (2013). Reynoutria sachalinensis: a new invasive species to the flora of Serbia and its distribution in SE Europe. Botanica Serbica 37(2): 105-112. UDK 582.665.11(497.11)

Jovanović, Hlavati Širka V., D.r Lakušić, N. Jogan, T. Nikolić, P. Anastasiu, V.Vladimirov, J. Šinžar-Sekulić (2018). Reynoutria niche modelling and protected area prioritization for restoration and protection from invasion: A Southeastern Europe case study, Journal for Nature Conservation, Volume 41, 2018, pages 1-15,


Milenko Miljić

Teacher of geography


-2010 – Geography Graduate for Environmental Science from the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade

Professional Experience:

-DP Coordinator at Rudjer Boskovic School since 2024

-Environmental system and societies and Geography teacher since 2015

Workshops and certificates:
-Cambridge International Examinations online Professional Development course: Introductory Cambridge IGCSE Geography (0460)
-CTP Cambridge IGCSE Geography (0460)
-International Baccalaureate Environmental systems and societies (Cat.2) workshop

– IB MYP Programme workshop (Cat 3) Managing assessment in Individuals and societies

Examination experience:
-International Baccalaureate Environmental systems and societies – since 2017
-Cambridge IGCSE Geography (0460) – since 2018
-Cambridge International AS & A Level Human Geography Examiner – since 2020

– Cambridge O level/IGCSE Pakistan Studies Examiner – since 2024

Aleksandar Stanić



  • Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu – profesor fizičke kulture 1998.-2005.
  • Ispit za dozvolu za rad nastavnika, vaspitača i stručnih saradnika (licenca) – 2016.


Radno iskustvo:

  • Trener plivanja – Aqua termal club, Beograd ( jul 2022. -sep.2023. )
  • Menadžer i glavni trener plivanja – Dečiji rekreativni centar Zdravo dete, Beograd (oktobar 2018. – jun 2022.)
  • Profesor fizičkog vaspitanja – Osnovna škola “22. decembar”, Donja Trepča (oktobar 2010. – oktobar 2018.)
  • Personalni trener igrača – Košarkaški klub Borac, Čačak (oktobar 2010. – oktobar 2018.)
  • Menadžer i trener – Fitnes klub Dr Feelgood, Čačak (oktobar 2009. – septembar 2010.)
  • Trener – Fitnes klub Tonus prof, Beograd (septembar 2006. – septembar 2007.)
  • Profesor fizičkog vaspitanja – Osnovna škola “22. decembar”, Donja Trepča (oktobar 2004. – septembar 2005.)


Stručno usavršavanje:

  •   MYP sertifikat (Certificate_MYP-Physical and health education)
  • „Osnovno osposobljavanje iz pružanja prve pomoći” – Crveni krst Novi Beograd (oktobar 2022.)
  • „Blog, tviter i fejsbuk u nastavi” – Obrazovno kreativni centar Bor (mart 2017.)
  • „Implementacija standarda u nastavni proces” – Društvo istoričara Srbije “Stojan Novaković” Beograd (mart 2016.)
  • „Unapređenje nastave fizičkog vaspitanja i vrednovanje učenika motivisanih pohvalom i nagradom” – Centar za stručno usavršavanje Kikinda (septembar 2014.)
  • „Praćenje fizičkog razvoja i razvoja motoričkih sposobnosti učenika u funkciji cilja i zadatka nastave fizičkog vaspitanja”- Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Beograd (mart 2013.)



Slobodan Stambolić

Teacher of English



  • PhD candidate at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, DAS studies
  • MA in English Language and Literature, the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (Title of the final thesis “Stylistic analysis of Rowan Williams’ Christmas sermons in Canterbury Cathedral 2002-2007”)



  • How to move your primary classroom management into the 21st Century – Oxford University Press
  • Maximising interaction in the online classroom – British Council
  • Digital education 2023 – Center for Educational Technologies Western Balkans
  • Online Teacher Community – continuous professional development of English language teachers through the online community of teachers – ZUOV
  • Forensic Linguistics and Phonetics Summer School, Serbia – Forensic Linguistics Institute, UK
  • Future English Teacher Development programme – British Council
  • Cooperation between the police and schools in the prevention of risky behavior of children and young people – Čuvam te, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
  • Ethics and Integrity – Agency for Prevention of Corruption
  • Let the grade be a mirror of knowledge – Union of Teachers of Serbia
  • Advancing knowledge and learning – oxford Professional Development Centre, OUP
  • Strategies in working with students who show behavioral problems – Čuvam te, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
  • Family violence – training for employees – Čuvam te, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
  • Training programme for employees in education / digital classroom / digitally competent teacher – introduction of electronic textbooks and digital educational materials – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
  • Teacher training program for the implementation of teaching oriented towards learning outcomes – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
  • Gifted child in class – from hidden talent to IEP 3 – Association of Creative Teachers, Novi Beograd
  • Teacher training program in primary schools for the application of general achievement standards for the end of primary education for a foreign language – ZZVKOV, Belgrade
  • Differentiated group work according to student achievement levels – Kraljevačko društvo učitelja
  • The role, tasks and importance of the homeroom teacher in educational work” – KLETT Society for the Development of Education, Belgrade
  • Integration, correlation and occupation – integrative teaching – Association of Teachers of Serbia, Belgrade
  • Educational work and individual educational plans” (K3) – Association of Teachers of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade
  • Taking the danger out of Drama – professional development seminar – The English Book
  • Prevention of violence, abuse and neglect” – Association of Kovin teachers
  • Inclusive education and individual education plan – Teachers’ Association of Serbia, Belgrade
  • Media and artistic techniques in the function of aestheticizing the educational process” – University of Arts in Belgrade – center for professional development and consulting
  • ADD/ADHD – attention deficit and hyperactivity in children” – Biofeedback Association of Serbia, Belgrade
  • How to help students learn more easily – Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Serbia and The English Book
  • Winter Republic seminars for English language teachers – The English Book
  • Summer republic seminars for English language teachers – The English Book
  • Project “Healing language tea party” – “Vasa Živković” Primary school Pančevo
  • Numerous ELTA conferences, Oxford University Press ELT conferences



  • English as a first and second foreign language (McMillan, Oxford programmes)
  • Translation theory and technique
  • Preparatory classes for entrance exams to philological high schools
  • Preparation for IELTS, CAE, FCE exams



“The Impact of video Games on Students’ educational outcomes” in the journal Entertainment Computing, Volume 38, May 2021, 100412

“Lord’s Prayer as a basis for researching linguistic changes within the framework of diachronic analysis in the English language”

“Periodization of American literature with schools and trends”

Gordana Ristić

IB DP Business Management Teacher



  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Business Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
  • Bachelor’s Degree (BSc) in Business Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade


Professional training:

  • Self-evaluation procedure “SELFIE 2023-2024, session 3”, May 2024
  • Why do International schools in Europe choose baseline assessments, Cambridge Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, February 2024
  • Promoting positive student wellbeing in schools, Cambridge Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, December 2023
  • What is wellbeing? From antiquity to academia to educational activity, Cambridge Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, November 2023
  • Corporate Social Responsibility, World Bank Seminar, 2012


Professional Experience:

  • Since 2024 IB Diploma Program Business Teacher at Rudjer Boskovic High School, Belgrade
  • Since 2023 Business, Economics and Digital Marketing Teacher at Artimedia High School, Belgrade
  • 2023 – 2024 Cambridge IGCSE Business Teacher at Crnjanski High School, Belgrade
  • 2023 – 2024 Cambridge International AS & A level Business Teacher at Savremena High School, Belgrade
  • 2016 – 2024 Mentoring and tutoring in business, economics and management, Business consulting and Digital marketing, Upwork Global Inc., USA
  • 2012 – 2017 Business Consultant and Marketing Manager, Edux Ltd, Belgrade
  • 2005 – 2012 Assistant Professor in Business Economics, Department of Business Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade


Aleksandra Mišić

Teacher of mathematics

Education: Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Department: Numerical Mathematics and Optimization

Title: M.Sc. in Mathematics

Professional Development:

– G Suite for Education, Google classroom, Google meet, Association SCIO

  • Formative assessment and its application in the digital environment, Institute for Quality Evaluation of Education and Upbringing, Belgrade
  • Outcome-oriented teaching, Institute for the Advancement of Education and Upbringing
  • Differentiated approach to teaching mathematics in elementary school, Association for the Advancement of Education “Creative Center”
  • Training program for textbook manuscript evaluators, Institute for Quality Evaluation of Education and Upbringing, Belgrade
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Portfolio – collection of responsibilities, Learning Community “Saznanje”
  • Counseling with children, adolescents, and parents, Center for Reeducation of Emotions and Behavior “Tvrđava”
  • Web tools for graphical representation of knowledge and their application in teaching, Learning Community “Saznanje”
  • Google apps for the Google generations, Learning Community “Saznanje”
  • Showcase of school librarians’ creativity in Serbia, DŠBS Belgrade
  • How to create good questions – I wonder how to ask you, professional seminar organized by “BIGZ školstvo”
  • Communication and interaction in the modern school, DŠBS Belgrade
  • Basics of Microsoft multipoint operating system, Faculty of Electronics in Niš
  • Blog, Twitter, and Facebook in teaching, UGPSŠ “Dositej” Kula
  • E-communication and E-collaboration within the school’s e-system for teaching support and school processes, Faculty of Electronics in Niš
  • Integrated thematic approach in teaching: vertical and horizontal perspective, Education and Marketing Agency “Duga”
  • E-learning, Faculty of Electronics in Niš
  • Social software in teaching, Faculty of Electronics in Niš
  • Work with children and youth with behavioral issues, Volunteer Center for Child Support “Duga,” Belgrade
  • Improving mathematics education in elementary and high schools, Mathematical Society of Serbia
  • Rational and irrational numbers in elementary school, Mathematical Society of Serbia
  • School grading in elementary school, Institute for Quality Evaluation of Education and Upbringing, Belgrade
  • Teaching geometry in elementary school, Mathematical Society of Serbia
  • External collaborator of the Institute for the Advancement of Education and Upbringing, as a member of working groups for reviewing textbooks, assessing compliance for recognition and approval, preparing proposals for approving programs for continuous professional development of teachers, educators, and professional associates
  • Completed course: Basics of Java Programming
  • Completed course and passed the exam: QA and Testing


  • Participation in projects:


  • – International Tempus project: Danube Fortresses – Our Shared Heritage
  • – Participation in the project: Support for schools after external evaluation, as a task writer for the subject of mathematics
  • – Participation in the international project: Sierpinski Carpet Project, led by Professor of Topology and Astronomy J. H. Rodriguez Blanquez at the Department of Mathematics, University of Almería, Spain
  • – Participation in the inter-school project: School Memory Calendar Day by Day, carried out under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications
  • – Participation in the conference: Communication and Interaction in the Modern School, as a lecturer on the topic Social Marketing, with the work titled Donate a Book to the School Library, published in the conference proceedings “Communication-Interaction-Action”.


  • Professional Experience:
  • From 2002 to 2024, mathematics teacher at “Đorđe Krstić” Elementary School
  • From 2000 to 2001, computer science teacher at Zemun High School

Staša Lučić

IB DP History teacher, DP History P2 examiner



PhD in Social History Belgrade University, Faculty of Philosophy in progress

MA in Modern History, 2010-2011 Belgrade University, Faculty of Philosophy

Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and History, 1998-2002 The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Philosophy, School of History and Archeology


Professional training:

IB workshop- Learning Diversity and Inclusion, (august, 2022)

IBDP Category 3 Workshop History: A Focus on Internal Assessment, February 2018

IBDP Category 2 Workshop Theory of Knowledge, February 2015

Cambridge IGCSE History (0470) March 2017

IBDP Examiner in History Paper2 Training July- August 2012

IBDP Theory of Knowledge Examiner Training February – March 2012

IBDP History – Putting the Course, October – November 2009

IBDP Theory of Knowledge Berlin, July 2009

Improving communication competence and active listening skills, Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade February 2107

University of Copenhagen, PhD School, Faculty of Humanities PhD Course Nationalism and Multiculturalism Copenhagen, December 2012



IBDP History HL and SL teacher, Rudjer Boskovic High School, Belgrade, Serbia since 2019

IBDP History and Theory of Knowledge teacher, Gimnazija Crnjanski, since 2007

IGCSE History and Global Perspectives teacher Gimnazija Crnjanski, since 2015

IBDP  Theory of Knowledge essays examiner and History paper 2 examiner (e marking), since 2011



Study Academy Vienna Revision Courses History teacher April 2015

Zentrum fur Sudosteuropastudien, Graz Research Fellow – May 2014

Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, 2006.