Nena Šurlan

Teacher of Philosophy

Education: B.A. in Philosophy – Belgrade University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy

Professional training:

-IB Diploma Program, Theory of Knowledge teacher, Category I
-Teaching Philosophy in Europe and North America, Philosophy with Children – seminars held in the Požarevac high school within the framework of the national qualifications for the International Philosophy Olympiad; How to evaluate and improve one’s own teaching practice|
-Berlitz English Language Certificate

Participation in projects:

-Cognitio Libera
-International Days at Ruđer Bošković
-National qualifications for the International Philosophy Olympiad 2012 (mentor)
-National qualifications for the International Philosophy Olympiad 2011 (jury member)
-School Projects

Ivan Šurlan

Philosophy teacher, IB examiner

Education: Faculty of Philosophy – University of Belgrade, Department of Philosophy
Master studies, Faculty for applied ecology “Futura“
Advanced training:
– How to improve and evaluate your own teaching practice, 2013
– Cognitive development, organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2012, CONGRESS OF THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SERBIA, with international participation, organized by the Anthropological Society of Serbia, 2012
-(Nove) Perspectives in bioethics / (New) Perspectives in Bioethics, Institute for philosophy and social theory, 2011
-International GreenBuild Conference 2011, organized by NVO Ecoist
Project participation:
-International Days at Rudjer
-Cognitia Libera
-School projects
-Urban environmental ethics, moral improvement and sustainability” in Sustainable construction and urban oases, publication of the organization Ecoist, 2012
– “New perspectives of bioethics” in the Third Program, no. 151-152, 201

Milena Pavlović

Teacher of Latin

Education: Belgrade University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of classical sciences

Professional training:

-Creative teaching of classical languages
-“How to evaluate and improve one’s own teaching practice” – seminar
-“Cognitive development” – seminar
-“How to motivate a child to study” – seminar

Participation in projects:

-National competitions

Damir Omrčen

Teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science, IB examiner

Education: B.A. in Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade University

Professional training:

-How to evaluate and improve one’s own teaching practice?
-Mathematics SL (Paper 1) e-marking
-Mathematical Studies SL (Paper 2) e-marking
-Scoris Examiner e-marking training
-Mathematics SL Internal Assessment Moderation
-IB DP Computer Science – SL Category 1
-IB DP Mathematics – SL Category 1
-IB DP Mathematical Studies – SL Category 1
-Specialized national seminar for teachers of mathematics in primary and secondary schools
-Specialized national seminar for teachers of computer science and ICT in primary and secondary schools
-The English for Teaching
-Recording data in the computer

PhD Svetlana Marković

Serbian Literature A teacher, IBDP examiner, Teacher of Serbian language and literature

Education: PhD in Literature Science, Belgrade University Faculty of Philology, (2009)

Professional training:

-IB DP regional workshops (Bratislava, Slovakia, 2005)
-IB DP regional workshops / DP Librarianship (Glyfada, Greece, 2006)
-DP Language A1 Generic (Budapest, Hungary, 2010)
-Multi Medial Systems Certificate (Belgrade, 2004, ICT training)
-Master studies in dramaturgy at the Academy of Arts in Belgrade (20013/2014)


-1995-2000: about a hundred articles in the domain of literary criticism and archaeology in the culture section of the “Politika” daily newspaper, (list available on the site of the Serbian Science Centre (
-Author of the comparative literature textbook within the International Diploma programme; “Zmaj na mesečini”
-Drama, “Ko se seća gospodina Finča” (Who Recalls Mr. Finch), collection of poems “Od potrage grad” (City of Quest) (Serbian Science Centre publications in literary science, January 2014); “Motiv ženidbe u srpskoj narodnoj prozi” (The marriage motif in Serbian folk prose – scientific study on the oral fiction domain (published by Čigoja štampa), two books for children (2003, 2006, published by Čigoja štampa)

Ivana Mandić

Teacher of Economics, IB examiner

Education: Belgrade University, Faculty of Economics

Professional training:

-IB Economics – HL and SL Category 1
-IB Economics – HL and SL Category 2
-Sustainable development
-How to evaluate and improve one’s own teaching practice

Participation in projects:

-International Days at Ruđer Bošković
-School Projects

Ivana Golac

Teacher of English ; University Counselor

Education: B.A. in English Language and Literature, Belgrade University, Faculty of Philology, Department of English Studies

Professional training:

-How to evaluate and improve one’s own teaching practice
-Oxford Day 11/09/2013.
-IB DP English B – HL Category
-Motivation of students

Jelena Bezarević

Teacher of English ; Cambridge English Manager (CEM)

Education: B.A. in English Language and Literature, Belgrade University, Faculty of Philology, Department of English Studies

Professional training:

-Latest Developments and Practical Applications of CEFR in Testing, Assessment and Certification, Foreign Languages Schools Association of Serbia
-9th ELTA Conference, ELTA (English Language Teachers’ Association)
-Cambridge Day 2013, CUP and Cambridge English Language Assessment
-How to evaluate and improve one’s own teaching practice
-2008, the CIA oral exam invigilator license

PhD Vesna Vasić

Teacher of Chemistry

EDUCATION: Enrolled in doctoral studies University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry

Master academic (MSc) studies University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry

Title: Master chemist

Basic academic (BSc) studies University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry


IGCSE, IB DP and MYP Chemistry teacher at  Rudjer Boskovic High School

Teaching assistant at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry

Associate at the Regional Centre for Talented Youth Belgrade 2

Project researcher:

DAAD bilateral project No. 451-03-01732/2017-09-11 between the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Germany “New Approaches in Monitoring Falsification of Fruit Products”, project cycle 2018-2019.

Research stays and visits

Guest researcher at Justus Liebig University, Giessen, in research group of prof. dr Gertrud Morlock, Germany

Grants and prizes

Grant of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia for attending 25th Congress of the Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, September 19-22, 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia

Travel grant of the Zoran Đinđić Foundation through project ”Learn and Travel – Support to Young Experts”

Scholarship of the Đoka Vlajković Foundation

Chromaleont Scholarship award for the 42nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (ISCC) and 15th GCxGC Symposium, May 13-18, 2018, Riva del Garda, Italy

Grant of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia for attending XIX Euroanalysis, August 28-September 1, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden

Seminars and trainings

TRAIN (Training and Research for Academic Newcomers) – A project of the King Baudouin Foundation – Modules: Research Methodology, Didactics in higher education, Preparation of project applications, Presentation skills, Entrepreneurship, Networking and teamwork

Training for teachers: Classroom management, Teaching, Evaluation, Interactive teaching, Inclusion – Movement for European Development of Education

Iva Spasić

Teacher of Italian Language and Literature

Education:University of Belgrade, Department of Italian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology.

Other languages:Slovak, English and Latin.

Professional seminars:

International Convention Philological Research Today at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade
International Convention Оltre i confini. Аspetti transregionali e interculturali dell’italiano
Professional seminar for Italian teachers Come insegnare italiano LS/L2 online: 3 esperienze pratichе
Workshops for Italian teachers:

– La gestione della classe: 10 consigli pratici (+1) per migliorare le tue lezioni

– Una certificazione linguistica per bambini: perché, come e che cosa certificare?

– „Che faccio, dove vado?“ Un GPS per creare un ambiente motivante in classe

– „Di che parliamo?“ Tecniche didattiche per la produzione e l’interazione nella classe di italiano per stranieri

– Una poltrona per due: verso un Approccio centrato sul discente

– La competenza fraseologica in L2: spunti dalla ricerca e prospettive didattiche

Work experience:

Twelve years of experience in teaching Italian and English.
English language teacher in a nursery school
English language teacher at the Čukarica Cultural Centre
Italian language teacher at the “Miloš Crnjanski” Elementary School
Italian and English language teacher at the Language Centre “Filolog”