“El Día de la Hispanidad”

Secondary School students and Primary School students, with their Spanish teachers realized a series of activities to mark the celebration of the day when America was discovered, El Día de la Hispanidad,  on 18th October,2019.

Students of the second year, played KAHOOT quiz after they watched videos and the text which they had previously read.  They answered 25 questions and through that activity repeated everything they know about the discovery of America and Columbus’s voyage, as well as how and how much this discovery is important for Spain and the Spanish language.

Grade 6 students discussed the discovery, Columbus’s voyage, and after that they had ‘Fiesta’; during which they sang Spanish songs.

Grade 2 Students had the opportunity to taste the sweet Spanish turroni, enjoyed the food that themselves made, sang Spanish songs, danced and made their first Spanish ‘Fiesta ‘.