PhD Vesna Hlavati Širka

Teacher of biology


Education: MA studies Ecology and environmental protection and PhD Biodiversity protection at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade.

Innovator in teaching

The author of the BIOSLOGOS work book, which was included in the ,,Good  practice examples’’ in the field of natural sciences in December 2022 by ZUOV.

Two years in a row (2023 and 2024) at the Faculty of Biology, won the prize for Innovations in the teaching of Biology for the teaching material Classification Key (2023) and Adaptations (2024).

In September 2023, at the “Science on Stage Serbia” festival, the ,,Pigeon Genetics’’ project was selected as a 5-star project.  In August 2024 the Pigeon Genetics project was presented in the competition part of the Science on Stage Europe festival in Finland.

Work experience:

-Associate of ZUOV in reviewing and approving teaching textbooks (more than 18 reviewed textbooks for both primary and secondary schools) since 2016.

-As an associate of ZUOV, held three trainings related to learning outcomes for school employees (Pančevo and Zrenjanin).

-Associate of the Center for Gifted Students “Mihajlo Pupin” Pancevo since 2018.

-Biology teacher since 2004 in different types of schools.

-As part of the Erasmus plus project “New skill-new school”, she attended a seminar in Berlin in 2018 “Project based learning”.


Scientific articles:

Hlavati Širka, V., Jakovljević, K., Mihailović, N., Jovanović, S. (2016). Heavy metal accumulation in invasive Reynoutria x bohemica Chrtek & Chrtkova´ in polluted areas. Environ Earth Sci 75:951.  DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5763-6

Hlavati Širka V., Lakušić, D., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Nikolić, T., Jovanović, S. (2013). Reynoutria sachalinensis: a new invasive species to the flora of Serbia and its distribution in SE Europe. Botanica Serbica 37(2): 105-112. UDK 582.665.11(497.11)

Jovanović, Hlavati Širka V., D.r Lakušić, N. Jogan, T. Nikolić, P. Anastasiu, V.Vladimirov, J. Šinžar-Sekulić (2018). Reynoutria niche modelling and protected area prioritization for restoration and protection from invasion: A Southeastern Europe case study, Journal for Nature Conservation, Volume 41, 2018, pages 1-15,