A Doll’s House

On Friday, 24th May, we had the opportunity to attend the extraordinary play, A Doll’s House, at the National Theatre. It was an evening filled with emotions and deep reflections that left us truly impressed.

The play A Doll’s House, based on the original work by Ibsen, deals with the complex issues of marital life, social norms, and personal freedom. The story follows Nora Helmer, a woman who seemingly has it all – a perfect marriage and family. However, as the plot unfolds, we discover her internal struggles and dissatisfaction with the limitations imposed on her by society and marriage.

The performance was outstanding. The lead actors succeeded in bringing the characters to life on stage. Nora, played by the talented Nada Šargin, made the most significant impression. Her ability to convey the character’s emotional nuances was exceptional, from initial joy to ultimate enlightenment and determination. Alongside her, Nenad Stojmenović as Torvald Helmer succeeded in portraying a character who is essentially authoritarian, selfish, and unable to understand or support his wife.
Maria Bozalo IIIb