Municipal Competition in Serbian Language and Linguistic Culture

The Municipal Competition in Serbian Language and Linguistic Culture was held on Sunday, 25th February 2024, at Ljuba Nenadović Primary School. Our linguists did not miss this opportunity to excel. Iva Petrović 6A won second place, Kalina Kovačević 6B won third place, Ana Ljubičić 7B won first place, and Dejana Stanojković 8A won third place. Sofija Trifunović 9A won third place. All students have qualified for the regional competition. Due to their placement in last year’s national competition, the following students will also proceed to the regional competition: Adriana Dedić 9A, Magdalena Stevanović 9A, and Sonja Pijanović 9B.

We commend the following grade 7 students for taking part in the competition: Andrej Kovačević, Jovana Tolimir, Jovan Božić and Nataša Radaković. We also commend grade 8 students Doroteja Defrančeski.

A lot of work is ahead for our competitors in the upcoming period before the regional competition, but we know their abilities, willingness, and ambition, and we are confident in success in the next stage of the competition.