Round Table – Artificial Intelligence and Social Sciences

On Wednesday, 29 November, our school organized a round table with high school students from Belgrade on the topic of artificial intelligence in social sciences. After the welcoming words from our director, Ivana Vukmirica Baćanović, the round table was opened by guest lecturer Predrag Krstić from the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, sparking numerous questions that were addressed throughout the day.

Students from the Fourteenth, Tenth, Mathematical, and Zemun High Schools, students from the Technoart Secondary School, and our hosts engaged in discussions on the topics of education, interpersonal relationships, and ethics. The conversations were led by Philosophy teacher Ivan Šurlan, the organizer of this event, and Philosophy teacher Nena Šurlan, as well as the psychologist from the gymnasium, Milica Skočajić. We thank our colleagues from other schools for their support and participation!

Their students made this event stimulating and inspiring. We look forward to the next round table!