The Palace of Science Through the Eyes of Our High School Students
On 6th February, a group of students from our high school visited the Palace of Science. The magnificent building of the former Yugoslav-Danubian Bank, constructed a century ago in 1924, stands at the corner of two bustling streets: Kneza Miloša and Kralja Milana. While the exterior leaves observers speechless, the interior takes their breath away. The style of Serbian academicism blends seamlessly with modernist, even futuristic, elements from the world of science.
Venera koja govori, u centralnom holu, daje osnovne infromacije o Palati. Iznad nje, ogromni globus, Zemlja koja rotira, u sledećem trenutku je Satrun, a posle nekog vremena vidimo i Mesec. Stalna postavka sa mnoštvom eksponata, prikazala je neke fenomene o čoveku, Zemlji, svemiru. Pored divnih i veoma profesionalnih vodiča, imali smo priliku da čujemo informacije od strane specijalnih vodiča, Mihajla Pupina, Miluitina Milankovića i Nikole Tesle. Neprevaziđeni VR nas je vodio kroz muzeje, a roboti su približili ono što smo viđali na filmovima.
In the central hall, a talking Venus provides basic information about the Palace. Above it, a massive globe—rotating Earth —transforms into Saturn in one moment and the Moon shortly after. The permanent exhibition, filled with numerous exhibits, showcased various phenomena related to humanity, Earth, and the universe. Alongside the wonderful and highly professional guides, we had the opportunity to hear from special virtual guides: Mihajlo Pupin, Milutin Milanković, and Nikola Tesla. State-of-the-art VR technology took us through museums, while robots brought to life what we’ve only seen in movies.
I don’t know what to highlight specifically—in fact, I wouldn’t single out anything. I’d simply advise everyone who hasn’t visited the Palace of Science to do so while the shark exhibition is still on display. After that, another visit, and then another, and another. You’ll see that the Palace of Science leaves a lasting impression.
Marija Keržlin Trifunović