Sremski Karlovci and Stražilovo

On 22nd May 2024, Grade 8 students went on a school trip to Sremski Karlovci and Stražilovo. The beautiful weather gave them an opportunity to spend a wonderful day in the charm and warmth of the Baroque town on the banks of the Danube and the slopes of Fruška Gora, a favourite spot of our great poet Branko Radičević. Our walk through Karlovci began with a tour of the Cathedral Church and the Patriarchal Palace, followed by a visit to the renowned Karlovci Gymnasium, the oldest gymnasium established in 1791. In the gymnasium’s library, which houses 18,000 valuable books, they were hosted by a graduating student of the school who explained what makes this gymnasium famous and special. The students were delighted to learn that Karlovci students are known for their unity and mutual affection. Another interesting fact was that the famous film Lajanje na zvezde (Barking at the Stars), beloved by many, was filmed here, and this library was the teachers’ room in the film. After touring Karlovci, they continued to Stražilovo, a well-known picnic area where, according to his wishes, our great poet Branko Radičević is buried. They were fortunate that a new path was built this year, and they could use it to climb to the top of Stražilovo and enjoy the view of the Danube. At the top of Stražilovo, it felt as if the wind carried Branko’s verses, “Oh, Karlovci, my dear place, I came here as a child…” and it was entirely clear why there is such great love for this beautiful and gentle town.