Lecture  ”Puberty ”

Entering the developmental period of puberty is individual, it usually happens in girls starting from the age of nine or ten, and in boys a little later, at the age of ten or eleven, and lasts until the age of fourteen or fifteen, when adolescence begins. Puberty is characterized by violent biological and hormonal changes that result in changes in the body and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in boys and girls. Physical changes are also reflected in psychological changes, and adolescents, neither children nor adults, are “stuck” somewhere between these two roles. They often feel growing insecurity and do not know how to cope with the changes. This results in problems with self-confidence, frequent and sudden mood swings, changing priorities in life when peers become more important than family and parents, and therefore more frequent conflicts with parents and other authorities occur on the path of becoming an independent adult.

We approached these changes from two different angles, biological and psychological, and tried to shed light on the mystery of this developmental period by giving explanations, answering questions and giving useful advice to Grade 5 students.