European Programming Week

Humanitarian action

School trip  u Kladovo

Mysterious Toscany

European day of languages

Remote Belgrade

German language students, accompanied by their teacher Gordana Djordjevic, celebrated the European Day of Languages on September 25, 2019. The project by Stefan Kaegi and Jorg Karrenbauer and the famous Rimini Protocol company Remote X was also performed in Belgrade under the name Remote Belgrade or Belgrade remotely. Stefan Kaegi is a Swiss author of documentary theater pieces and radio shows. As we toured the city, we were navigated by a voice similar to the one of GPS navigation. After two hours of walking, which ended on the terrace of the Kombank hall, we wondered how predictable our behavior is, how much we are influenced by technology, music, groups, how much freedom we have to make our own decisions …

European day of languages – 26 September 2019

Let’s prepare for the school trips!

Sixteen years of sharing our team spirit

The 2018/2019 end of year school play and graduation ceremony of our 16th generation of Rudjer Boskovic high school students was held on 19th June 2019 at the Madlenianum Theatre. The performance started of with our high school choir, followed by speeches from our Head of School Ivana Vukmirica Bacanovic, who shared the experience of the previous school year with the guests and Dragan Stulic, our General Manager.

After that we enjoyed the play Lajanje na zvezde (Barking at stars). The actors were inspired, spontaneous and relaxed. Music was a big part of the play: Teodora Vukovic on the piano, Naum Ivanic on the guitar, Marija Ignjatic sang  Under the shining stars , Tea Polimac and Naum Ivanic sang a duet Devojko mala. The dancers were tremendous.

Our Head of school gave out the diplomas and the best friend award Ahmed Isak went to Djordjo Matic.  The ceremony ended with a speech by our valedictorian, Milan Bulajic.

Our guests were able to go through the 32nd issue of our school magazine Sokolske novine.