“Lajanje na zvezde”

As part of the preparation for the closing event, the actors of our school watched “Lajanje na zvezde” on the 12th of December 2019 at Dadov theater! Everyone liked the show. They were unanimous in their praise. Especially the play was played by young actors. In pictures there is a splash of atmosphere!

PYP programme acreditted

The International Baccalaureate organization informed us on April 9, 2019 that the Ruđer Bošković School successfully completed the authorization process for the Primary Years Programme.

This is the end of the candidate phase, and after signing the official documents, the school will be accredited for the realization of PYP.

With this authorization we became the first educational institution in Serbia that was accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia and authorized for all three IB programs.

We congratulate all the employees, students and parents and look forward to new challenges.


We watched the play “Felix” in Zvezdara Theater on March 30, 2019. With great scenography and famous actor Milutin Mima Karadzic, there was no mistake. We all enjoyed the show very much. The story is full of humor, but also serious life situations, all of us were interested, so that everyone came out of the theatre in a good mood.

MYP programme accredited

The International Baccalaureate organization informed us on April 3, 2019 that the Ruđer Bošković School successfully completed the process of authorizing the Middle Years programme. This is the end of the candidate phase and, after the signing of official documents, the school will be accredited for the implementation of MYP. We congratulate all the employees, students and parents and look forward to the new challenges ahead.


High school students were at the Roman hall of Belgrade City Library on Tuesday 26th March, 2019. We participated in non verbal communication workshop. This time we did exercises that strengthen breathing, concentration and body control while talking. At the end we talked about person dear to us. We adopted suggestions and comments bravely and we will accept them in order to improve our oratorical skills.

Literary workshop with writer Vule Zuric

On March 28th, 2019 our guest was the old acquaintance, writer Vule Zuric. We imagined our meeting a bit differently than the previous. Vule gave us the secret how to write a story, so we got three themes and the assignment to choose and write a short story. He let us write the story on our phones and that  was very interesting. All students read their stories. There were funny, long, too short, simple, mysterious and few serous stories. The writer was pleased because he managed to provoke our writer’s skills although we insisted on our inability to write and our dislike towards writing.

Teacher’s training

Junior Achievement Serbia organized training for teachers in Rudjer Boskovic School, from 22nd to 24th March. Thirty teachers of Belgrade schools, including ours, had been improving themselves on lesson planning and realization and its outcomes. During these three days the participants mastered the basics of entrepreneurship and financial literacy. They participated in practical activities and the competition for the best teacher’s company. After this training the teachers will participate in training students for successful life and work in modern world where innovation and entrepreneurship initiative are valued.

Stop crutches!!!

Before use read the instruction. About the indications, precautions and adverse reactions to medication, consult with experts of the EXPRESSIVENESS association.

Expressiveness, public speech culture

Stop crutches!

Within the Serbian language and literature classes and preserving Serbian language classes, 1st grade students attended the workshop held by Expressiveness association. The workshop was held on March 19th, 2019 in the Roman hall of Belgrade City Library. We faced sincerity and kindness, and the space itself made us do our best and feel relaxed. Our students were cooperative and listened attentively, participated in all activities that our hosts – Milan Bosiljcic and Slobodan Roksandic designed. The next meeting was scheduled for the next Tuesday. We couldn’t wait to try ourselves in non-verbal communication.

Animal farm

We have started new interdisciplinary theme at the beginning of March – Animal farm. Serbian language and English language classes were booked for various inquiries.  Few ideas imposed during the research: elucidate Stalin’s and Hitler’s time, ponder all types of propaganda, analyze the piece, discover which historic characters are hidden in Farm characters. We practiced how to make drama, made propagandist flyers, and determined which types of people correspond to animal characters. We are very proud of the pictures of utopia (ideal school) and dystopia (animal farm) that covers our classroom walls.

Circul d’Art

MYP 2 and MYP 4 students had chance to meet the Circul d’Art project. The project will be realized within MYP’s Service and action. Our guest was Mrs. Rajmonda Avignon, conceptual artist and the UNDP organization’s expert in the circular economy.

We talked about sustainable development, preserving the environment and recycling. One of the possible solutions for growing amounts of garbage on our planet is reusing products in order to make art. During next few months we will be part of this project by making various creations out of the recycled material.