Trace of Russia in Belgrade- cultural orienteering

We have explored Russian cultural impact through cultural orienteering, on May 22. Our students were impressed by the Russian Home. The hosts took us sightseeing. We visited a library that is the second largest (outside the territory of Russia). It contains 64,000 books. In the lobby you can see the bust of  Alexander I Karađorđević and Nikolaj II Romanov. An exhibition of Russian contemporary painting was set up in a hall where different ceremonies were held. The second point – the monument to the Romanov looks powerful. The Russian church, soured behind the Church of St. Mark, was the logical end of our path. We had a great time.


We had the opportunity on May 20, 2019 to travel through the Universe in a mobile planetarium that was placed in our gym at school. It was an unusual school class, and the studens, lying on their backs, were surrounded by stars and planets, that were moving, crashing, disappearing, and re-appearing. The students saw a movie on the Solar system and saw the collision of a collision galaxy. Students talked with astronomers and physicists about research in the field of astronomy and the possibilities of life on other planets. A truly unusual experience and a small introduction to the magical world of astronomy!

Observing Earth Day

The aim of the workshop was to actively involve students in the simulation of a small community’s life in a decadent forest. Students have had the opportunity to practice traditional ecological knowledge and team work in order to understand the role and significance of biodiversity in the ecosystem. The program was divided into three parts: a forest secret, a forest bath and a forest link in which students were asked a lot of interesting questions, such as: What do we eat, what is eating us? What protects us and what threatens us? The pupils were also introduced to the concepts of sun therapy, bathing in the forest air, through which showed the inextricable ties of man and nature.

Cognitia Libera

On Saturday, May 11th, in our school was held the 14th presentations of essays in the field of philosophy, called Cognitia Libera. This year, eight students from different schools and towns entered the finals (Sremska Mitrovica, Zrenjanin, Kikinda, Vladičin Han, Novi Sad and Belgrade), and the topics they chose are: “Od Agore do Instagrama”, “Šta (ni)je umetničko delo”, I “Čovek izmeđuprirode I slobode”.

In a great atmosphere of discussion and exchange of ideas on the subject, all students showed high level of maturity in thinking, as well as enviable philosophical knowledge. The winner of the competition was a pupil of IV Belgrade Gymnasium Tatjana Petrović, who was slightly better than the other competitors. Members of the jury this year were our teachers Nena and Ivan Šurlan, and the chairman of jury was Predrag Krstić from the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory.

Šantićeva reč 2019.

The student of our school Bogdan Košutić won the second place at the International Literary Competition “Šantićeva reč 2019”.

Service as action

We started the program in the “Bežanijska kosa” home for the elderly people with the dance hull of our school. Introduction to the play “Gospodja ministarka” according to Branislav Nušić’s text was followed by the composition performed by our student Luka on the guitar. At the end of the performance, the choir performed three tracks.

We believe that we will again socialize with some new program with the members of this institution. We also prepared books for their library that they were very happy with them. At the end of the program, we were hanging out with our viewers. They liked the range of art we showed them, we wished to come again.

PYP Exhibition

On Tuesday, 23rd April, the fifth-grade students celebrated their growth and learning in the first five years by holding the PYP Exhibition. During the school day, the school community members and the guests from Primary School “Banović Strahinja” had the opportunity to see the opening ceremony and the presentations of students’ inquiry projects undertaken in March and April. After the classes, at 16:30, the students held the opening ceremony and presentations for their parents and guests.

PYP Exhibition represents the culmination of the PYP and a celebration of the student’s learning. Through the presentations of their inquiries, the students demonstrated understanding of the five essential elements of the PYP curriculum: knowledge, transdisciplinary skills, concepts, attitudes and action. This year, the central idea for the PYP Exhbition was: We express our values and creativity through developing an understanding of global issues and taking action. For the Exhibition inquiry, the students started by exploring the UN Sustainable Development Goals and then focused on one they decided to investigate further. Each group defined their own central idea and lines of inquiry. Each student investigated one line of inquiry and presented their findings at the end of the process. This year the students inquired into the following topics: the role animals play in the live of humans, movement and dance, digital art, the art of acting, theatre and film, the influence of music on humans, architectural, interior and fashion design, visual art and natural disasters.

All fifth-grade students exhibited a commendable level of motivation, responsibility and determination in the inquiry process.

Hanging around with Igor Rill

Our guest in classes of  Serbian language and literature on Thursday, April 18, 2019 was Igor Rill, editor of the Serbian edition of the National Geographic magazine. We have been preparing for this meeting for two weeks, writing news, articles, interviews, reports … At today’s workshop, everything we had gathered, we were meant to to put together on two pages of the magazine or newspaper. Making up a name of the magazine was also important. We can say that it was very interesting for to play the roles we got and to present our ideas to the editor-in-chief (a.k.a. Igor) and the copy editor (teacherr Katarina). All groups received excellent reviews. The most successful two pages will be published in our school papers.


Rowing has a very long tradition in Belgrade and is one of the most prominent sports at Ada Ciganlija. Guided by this fact, we wanted our Rudjer students to get closer to this sport. A group of pupils of the III year had the honor to participate with top coaches and pedagogues of VS “Red Star” in demonstration and training in open water. The ride in GALIJA and team performance, good atmosphere, even more beautiful day, has made the impression and the desire to come once more and try our best in this beautiful sport.


On 11.04.2019.Ruđer Bošković School in Belgrade, presentations from different areas of the Mexican culture were held. Students with their teachers Marina Milovanović and Suzana Amanović prepared typical Mexican cuisine meals according to the original recipes, such as Guacamole, Tortilla, Burritos, Pico de Gallo, Churros etc. The presentation on Mexican food was held by Ms. Eloise Mendez. After the presentation and food tasting, students sold the food they made themselves to the teachers and other students, and money was raised for humanitarian purposes. After that, the youngest ones, grade 4 and grade 5 had the opportunity to briefly travel with Ms.Eloise Mendes, Marina Milovanović and Juliana Merdović to Mexico and to get acquainted with the Mexican idols, which were taken after the presentation. Both the elderly and younger students showed great interest in the topics covered, which they were familiar with and met with in regular Spanish language classes. Special thanks for the activities we owe to Mrs. Eloise Beatris Mendes Gutieres, who was born in Mexico, where she completed her studies in Sociology. She lectured at the University of Mexico for fifteen years, taught at the University of Bolivia, at the University of Honduras, and was a guest lecturer at the University of Kragujevac. Ms. Eloise Mendes is co-author of various publications and articles on Mexican and Mexican cuisine, which include: “Taste of Mexico” and “This Is My Mexico: Children’s Stories of Independence and the Mexican Revolution”. She has lived in the United States, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Honduras and Nigeria, and currently lives in Belgrade.