IB challenge
As part of the IB challenge, in February, we were looking for those among us who are most focused on acquiring knowledge (IB learner profile attribute knowledgeable). The most votes went to Mihajlo Dević, a student from 8b, and Dejan Pavlović, a history teacher. Congratulations to Mihajlo and teacher Dejan! We are confident that they will continue to share many interesting insights and ideas with us in the future, important for both our local and wider community.
In March, we are looking for those among us who are most oriented towards developing thoughtfulness, those who excel in applying critical and creative thinking skills, tackling complex issues, and making thoughtful decisions (IB learner profile attribute thinkers). Consider who in our community best exemplifies these qualities. Voting will take place on the last Friday of March. Until then, let’s celebrate the success of our Mihajlo and teacher Dejan!