Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Grade 9b students visited Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts on 6th November 2019.

They were introduced to the history of the most important cultural institution, its structure, the names it had from its founding, and its presidents. The Academy currently has 241 members and unfortunately, few of them are women.

The students visited the legacies of prominent artists – sculptor Olga Jevric, whose works are exhibited in the world’s famous museums, and who gave her works of art as gifts to the museums in Serbia. In Branko Copic’s study, students could see his library, paintings and private photographs and a desk of extraordinary beauty. The students also saw Marko Ristic’s study with more than 10000 books and the study of Milutin Milankovic, an outstanding scientist. It was a special experience to visit a reading room and the catalogue department of the library.

The students understood the importance of SASA and the value of the work which leads to this significant title.